HSC Biology: Search for Better Health


Mapa Mental sobre HSC Biology: Search for Better Health, criado por georgiaaalee_x em 30-09-2015.
Mapa Mental por georgiaaalee_x, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por georgiaaalee_x quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

HSC Biology: Search for Better Health
  1. Maintanence of health
    1. genes
      1. difficulties defining health and disease
        1. mitosis
          1. differentiation
            1. specialisation
            2. Control of Disease
              1. infectious/noninfectious disease
                1. cleanliness of food
                  1. personal hygiene practices
                    1. pathogens classification
                      1. cleanliness of water
                      2. Pasteur and Koch and other scientists
                        1. contribution of Pasteur and Koch
                          1. types of pathogens
                            1. viruses
                              1. fungi
                                1. bacteria
                                  1. prions
                                    1. macro-parasites
                                      1. protozoans
                                      2. role of antibiotics
                                      3. The Immune Response
                                        1. defence barriers
                                          1. skin
                                            1. mucus membrane
                                              1. cilia
                                                1. chemical barriers
                                                  1. other body secreations
                                                  2. antigens
                                                    1. organ transplants triggering immune response
                                                      1. defence adaptions
                                                        1. inflammation response
                                                          1. phagocytosis
                                                            1. lymph system
                                                              1. cell death to seal off pathogen
                                                            2. MacFarlane Burnet’s work
                                                              1. components of the immune response
                                                                1. T cells
                                                                  1. B cells
                                                                    1. antibodies
                                                                    2. immune response
                                                                      1. interaction between B and T lymphocytes
                                                                        1. the mechanisms that allow interaction between B and T lymphocytes
                                                                          1. the range of T lymphocyte types and the difference in their roles
                                                                          2. vaccinations prevent infection
                                                                            1. response suppression in organ transplant patients
                                                                            2. Epidemiology
                                                                              1. main features eg. lung cancer
                                                                                1. causes of
                                                                                  1. nutritional deficiencies
                                                                                    1. inherited diseases
                                                                                      1. environmental diseases
                                                                                    2. Prevention and control of disease
                                                                                      1. quarantine
                                                                                        1. strategies
                                                                                          1. public health programs
                                                                                            1. genetic engineering to produce disease-resistant plants and animals
                                                                                              1. pesticides


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