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Opposition to Tsarism
A mind map showing all the different opposition parties that Nicholas II faced
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Mapa Mental por
Amy Platt
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Amy Platt
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Opposition to Tsarism
The Social Revolutionaries
Intention: to widen the concept of 'The People'
Victor Chernov was leader
wanted revolution and to get rid of autocracy
wanted to continue to use terrorism to enforce change
they were responsible for over 2000 political assassinations
they even assassinated Tsar Nicholas' Uncle - the Grand Duke of Sergei
Thee assassinations were spectacular successes
they did not bring out the desired link with the urban workers
between 1901-05 they dominated the party
willing to cooperate with Tsar and other parties
they specifically wanted to improve conditions for workers and peasants
The Social Democrats
The All-Russian Democrats were formed in 1898
It was a marxist party accepting the theories of Karl Marx
Karl Marx was a German philosopher
George Plekhanov was the leader
he promoted the idea of proletarian revolution
he earned the title of "The Father of Russian Marxism"
In 1903 the party split up into two groups
Vladmir Lenin
Lenin believed that the way forward could be effectively organised only by a dedicated group of professional revolutionaries
he believed revolution had to be led by the revolutionary intelligentsia
The bourgeouis and proletarian stages could be telescoped into one
This way the route to communism could take place faster
The party was tight-knit and membership was limited
Authority was exercised through the Central Committee of the party
Refused to cooperate with any other parties
wanted to make working conditions and conditions of the peasants worse
this way the peasants could be radicalized easily
educated the peasants to radicalize them
turned the workers into revolutionaries
Juli Martov
Russia was not ready for a proletarian revoluion
the bourgeois stage had to occur first
capitalism had to come first before communism
membership was open to all revoluionaries
open democratic discussion
decisions were made through voting
welcomed cooperation and alliance with all revoltionar and bourgeois liberal parties
promoted support for trade unions and better wages for workers
The Liberals
wanted political/social change
preferred reform over revolution
liberals emerged due to the small middle-class in the countryside
It was a liberal group founded in St Petersburg in 1904
originally it wanted the replacement of absolute monarchy for a constitutional monarchy
the liberals were soon joined by radical students and they began to meet in secret in Russia
The Kadets
The League of Liberation merged with the Union of Zemstvo-Constitutionalists
consisted of: academics, landlords and small entrepreneurs
they wanted Russia to develop a constitutional monarchy
with this the powers of the monarchy would be restricted by a democratically elected assembly - just like Britain's political system
the assembly would settle Russia's outstanding problems
In 1905 they demanded:
full equality
civil rights
ending of censorship
recognition of trade unions
the right to strike
free universal education
Viktor Chernov
Anexos de mídia
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