e cyTh


e5 jmontano
Mapa Mental por e5 jmontano, atualizado more than 1 year ago
e5 jmontano
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Resumo de Recurso

e cyTh
  1. What it is
    1. It's a reproductive cycle exclusive for some mammals, incluiding humans
    2. What it involves
      1. Hormones
        1. FSH
          1. Is the first hormone released. Stands for Folicule Stimulating Hormone
          2. Estrogen
            1. It is released by the stimulating folicules
            2. Progesterone
              1. It's fred by the developed folicule, and keeps the corpus luteum in it's place. It also makes the liberation of other hormones above stop
              2. Lutanizing Hormone
                1. It's fred by a high amount of estrogen, and triggers the liberation of a fully-developed egg
              3. Reproductive system
                1. The folicules are developed in one of the female's ovaries, where from one egg is released, which lays down in the corpus luteum (located in the female's uterus) some time after
              4. It's purpose
                1. To develop and release an egg ready to be fertilized, and be recieved by the corpus luteum
                  1. Unlike other reproductive cycles, the mestrual cycle keeps the individual ready to reproduce for most of the time
                  2. How it works
                    1. 1. FSH is released, and the folucules start developing
                      1. 2. While the folicules develop, estrogen is released
                        1. 3. A high amount of estrogen triggers the releasement of lutanizing hormone.
                          1. 4. Lutanizing hormone frees a single fully developed egg
                            1. The developed folicule/s free progesterone, which stops the releasement of other hormones
                              1. The egg may be fertilized. In case it is:
                                1. It will then keep releasing progesterone, which keeps the corpus luteum in place
                                  1. The egg, having being fertilized only once, will then keep dividing until a new individual is born


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