Poisonous gases such as carbon
dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen
oxides are released into the air when
coal is burned
Impact on health
Air pollution is extremely bad for
the environment and for the
health of people.
In SA between 20 to 30 million people
breathe in air that is not safe and are
likely to develop lung diseases such as
bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and
lung cancer
Impact on the environment
When fossil fuels such as coal, and natural gas
are burnt in power stations they produce large
amount of carbon dioxide
In the past trees and other plants were able to
control the level of carbon dioxide by using the
gas during photosynthesis, this reaction releases
oxygen into the atmosphere
Forests are being cut down to make way for farming and
urbanization, which means that photosynthesis decreases
so less CO2 is being used up and less O2 is being released,
this will contribute to the greenhouse effect which adds to
global warming and will bring about changes in the climate