The New Right


Mapa Mental por graceobadipe2304, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por graceobadipe2304 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The New Right
  1. Familial ideology - strong moral backbone
    1. Free market & marketization of education
      1. schools compete against each other for pupils
        1. receive funding for every student
          1. standard of education goes up
      2. Inequality is inevitable (justified)
        1. Meritocratic opens competition
          1. Education socialises pupils into shared norms, values and identities
            1. Do not believe these goals are being met as schools are run by the state
              1. Schools are unresponsive
                1. Marketize schools like business'
              2. Chubb & Moe
                1. State education has failed to provide equality of opportunity
                  1. Economy is failing to equip students with skills
                    1. Private schools are more efficient
                2. State power in education =
                  1. Force schools to compete
                    1. Practice Christianity
                    2. Gewirtz -1995
                      1. Marketization benefits M/C & disadvantages W/C
                        1. TNR ignore wider society inequality
                          1. TNR want parents to have freedom & strict curriculum (contradictory)
                            1. Marxist argue schools transmit culture through R/C (dominant culture)


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