Chapter 16: Corporate Operations


This is my mind map for BUS 420 Chapter 16.
Lucille Lamberson
Mapa Mental por Lucille Lamberson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lucille Lamberson
Criado por Lucille Lamberson aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Chapter 16: Corporate Operations
  1. Unfavorable book-tax difference
    1. Requires an add-back to book income to compute taxable income
    2. Favorable book-tax difference
      1. Requires corporations to subtract the difference from book income in computing taxable income
      2. Net operating loss (NOL) carryover
        1. Occurs when a NOL is carried forward to a future year
        2. Net operating loss (NOL)
          1. The excess of deductions over gross income
          2. Net operating loss (NOL) carryback
            1. Occurs when a NOL is carried back to a prior year


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