a day in the life of john the fisherman


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Resumo de Recurso

a day in the life of john the fisherman
  1. chronological events
    1. He had a routine of waking up every morning to go fishing in the ocean.
    2. details
      1. I fished in the ocean
      2. main ideas
        1. the good fisherman always had a smile


        A Day in the Life of John the Fisherman
        Anthony Torres
        The Feather Pillow
        Juan Alvarez
        GCSE RE - Believing in God
        Beatrice Enye
        Cinemática Escalar: Conceitos fundamentais
        Bruno Fernandes3682
        Questões de Biologia (UNICAMP 2013, 2012 e 2011)
        Princípios do Direito Tributário
        Jessica Midori
        Glossário de Biologia Geral
        Alessandra S.
        Guia de Estudos do ENEM 2014
        Alessandra S.
        Contabilidade de Custos - Apresentação
        Eduardo Larica Wanderley
        Instrumentação Cirúrgica
        Brennda Assunção