D2 justify the need to review policies and procedures following critical incidents


Justify the need to review
Mapa Mental por nataleysmith, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por nataleysmith quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

D2 justify the need to review policies and procedures following critical incidents
  1. Change
    1. Staff Change
      1. Training - training new staff/refresher
        1. Staff aware of risk assessments
          1. Changes to risk assessments
        2. New equipment- staff training
          1. New laws - change the way health care workers have to work
          2. Suing culture- after an incident people can sue - COST business'
            1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-419719/NHS-facing-mass-MRSA-claims-lawyers-new-grounds-sue.html
              1. http://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/news/gwentnews/9867659.Newport_girl_was_injured_with_pair_of_scissors_at_nursery/
              2. Health and Safety policy and procedures
                1. What are they? Hospital and Nursery
                  1. Were they followed?
                    1. What should of happened
                2. A way to ask- what went wrong nd why did it go wrong
                  1. Stop anything from happening again
                  2. Refelctive practice - always good practice
                    1. Staff can reflect and make imrovements to thier practice
                    2. Why did the MRSA happen?
                      1. What procedures were not in place/people follow?
                        1. What should staff do as a result of the outbreak? Hand washing etc
                          1. http://www.rdash.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Hand-Hygiene-Policy-12-Aug-2010.pdf
                      2. What were the casuing factors behind the incident? Why did the child cut his hand on scissors?
                        1. Were the correct procedures followed?
                          1. Risk assessment followed?
                            1. What should the have done?
                            2. Children walking with scissors- following procedures?
                          2. Justify - What should you do?
                            1. it means to explain and say WHY you think policies and procedures need to be reviewed
                              1. POINT, then your EVIDENCE then you EXPLAIN your point
                                1. What are the positives of reviewing? Give an E.G
                                  1. What is the impact of not reviewing?
                                    1. Example?
                                      1. http://www.health.gov.nl.ca/health/publichealth/cdc/infectioncontrol/mrsa_manual_for_nurses_other_healthcare_workers.pdf
                                        1. P9 onwards - why is MRSA spread etc


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