Elements of the Novel-Madison Cornell


Here is my quarter 2 book project.
Mapa Mental por madison.cornell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por madison.cornell mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Elements of the Novel-Madison Cornell
  1. Setting
    1. Time: June 1935
      1. Location: Key West Florida
      2. Characters
        1. Porkchop
          1. Tough
            1. Witty
            2. Turtle
              1. Characteristic: Nice
                1. Adventurous
              2. Kermit
                1. Characteristic: Young
                  1. Fun
              3. Theme
                1. Message/Theme: It takes time to get to know someone, so don't judge a person right away.
                  1. How brought out in book: Turtle isn't fond of her relatives she's never met, but in the end they all begin to grow together and get along.
                  2. Main Conflict
                    1. Cause: Turtle's mom got a housekeeping job, so Turtle left her home.
                      1. Conflict/Problem: Turtle has to leave when her mom gets a job, so she heads out to Key West Florida and meets some of her younger and weirder relatives.


                      Sociologia - Origem
                      Malu Miralha
                      Progressão Aritmética (P.A.)
                      Substantivo (em construção)
                      Ray Macunayma
                      Flashcard - Gestão de Projeto
                      Ariadne Aquino0790
                      Contabilidade Geral
                      Leonardo Lisboa
                      5 passos para organizar e monitorar o desempenho nos estudos
                      Alessandra S.
                      Kamila Vieira
                      Mapa Mental - Exame de Certificação CTFL-AT
                      Larissa Trindade
                      Y2 - Week 1
                      Natalia André