Naming heterocycles


Heterocyclic and Pericyclic Chemistry Mapa Mental sobre Naming heterocycles, criado por al44 em 04-12-2013.
Mapa Mental por al44, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por al44 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Naming heterocycles
  1. Named rings
    1. Hantzsch-Widman System
      1. Heteroatoms at begining
        1. 1. O oxa
          1. 2. S thia
            1. 3. Se selena
              1. 4. Te tellura
                1. 5. N aza
                  1. 6. P phospha
                    1. 7. As arsa
                      1. 8. Sb stiba
                        1. 9. Si sila
                          1. 10. Ge germa
                            1. 11. B bora
                            2. Endings indicate ring size and degree of saturation
                              1. Ring size
                                1. 3- ir
                                  1. 4- et
                                    1. 5-ol
                                      1. 6- i/a
                                        1. 7- ep
                                          1. 8- op
                                          2. No N
                                            1. un sat
                                              1. e/ene/ine
                                              2. 2H
                                                1. ane
                                              3. N present
                                                1. un sat
                                                  1. e/ine/ane
                                                  2. 2H
                                                    1. ine
                                              4. Fused heterocycles
                                                1. Determine senior ring
                                                  1. N present in one ring only then senior
                                                    1. If not...
                                                      1. Highest atom priority
                                                          1. Larger>Smaller
                                                            1. Ring with most heteroatoms
                                                              1. Same size ring same number of atoms- highest priority heteroatoms
                                                                1. Same size ring, number and nature- Lowest numbering
                                                  2. Multiple fusion
                                                    1. Align maximum number of rings horizontal and any extra pointing to the top right
                                                      1. Start numbering from most anticlockwise position on top right ring
                                                        1. Between 1 and 2 side is a etc.
                                                          1. [1,2-a]


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