Glycan Structure & Complexity


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Judith Yan
Mapa Mental por Judith Yan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Judith Yan
Criado por Judith Yan mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Glycan Structure & Complexity
  1. related fields
    1. genomics
      1. gene sequence
      2. proteomics
        1. proteins
          1. post-translational modification
          2. peptides
          3. glycomics
            1. cell glycans
          4. Locations in the cell?
            1. membrane-associated glycoforms
              1. classifications
                1. glycolipids
                  1. glycan functions in the ectodomain
                    1. linkage
                      1. glucose -- ceramide
                    2. glycoproteins
                      1. polypeptide
                        1. ectodomain
                          1. cytoplasmic domain
                          2. covalent linkage
                            1. N - asp
                              1. O - Ser/Thr
                              2. glycan functions in the ectodomain
                              3. proteoglycans
                                1. long glycan part
                                  1. lots of SO4-
                                    1. prevents collapsing
                                    2. examples
                                      1. syndecans
                                        1. glypicans
                                          1. CD44
                                          2. in extracellular matrix:
                                            1. aggrecan/versican
                                              1. "test-tube brush"
                                              2. glycosaminoglycans
                                                1. hyaluronan
                                                  1. DRU + tetrasaccharide - ser
                                            2. lectin-saccharide interactions
                                              1. cell-cell interactions
                                                1. recognition
                                                  1. by viral proteins
                                                    1. cell-cell
                                                      1. by bacteria
                                                      2. adhesion
                                                        1. epithelial layer formation
                                                        2. binding of toxins...?
                                                        3. strength
                                                          1. weaker than antigen-antibody
                                                          2. functions
                                                            1. fertilization
                                                              1. immunity
                                                                1. infection
                                                                  1. cancer
                                                                2. synthesis
                                                                  1. quality-control
                                                                    1. addition of glycan
                                                                      1. Golgi apparatus
                                                                      2. sorting
                                                                        1. ER
                                                                      3. extocytosis
                                                                      4. examples
                                                                        1. blood group glycoprotein
                                                                          1. tetrasaccharide
                                                                            1. has fifth sugar: A/B
                                                                              1. no fifth sugar: O
                                                                        2. intracellular
                                                                          1. storage glycoforms
                                                                            1. starch (plants)
                                                                              1. amylopectin
                                                                                1. amylose
                                                                                  1. a-1,4 linear
                                                                                  2. a-1,4 / 1,6
                                                                                2. glycogen (animals)
                                                                                  1. a-1,4 / 1,6
                                                                                    1. many nonreducing ends
                                                                                      1. digestion
                                                                                        1. intracellular
                                                                                          1. glycogen phosphorylase
                                                                                            1. releases glc-1-phosphate
                                                                                            2. debranching enzymes
                                                                                            3. extracellular
                                                                                              1. alpha amylase
                                                                                                1. random attacks alpha-1,4
                                                                                          2. insoluble
                                                                                      2. glucose metabolism
                                                                                        1. glucose from diet
                                                                                          1. amylase action
                                                                                            1. gut lumen
                                                                                              1. intestinal absorption
                                                                                                1. hepatic portal vein
                                                                                                  1. hepatocytes
                                                                                                    1. glycolysis
                                                                                                      1. ATP
                                                                                                      2. glycogenesis
                                                                                                        1. glycogen
                                                                                            2. glycogen from liver/myocyte
                                                                                              1. glycogen phosphorylase
                                                                                                1. glc-1-phosphate
                                                                                                  1. glc-6-phosphate
                                                                                                    1. glycolysis
                                                                                                      1. ...


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