Physical Activity


Mapa Mental por hannahvaldez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por hannahvaldez quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Physical Activity
  1. What is it?
    1. def; the movement of the body that uses energy
      1. moderate activities
        1. walking briskly, bicycling, gardening, dancing...etc
        2. vigorous activities
          1. running, walking very fast, swimming, aerobics... etc
        3. Why is it important?
          1. health benefits
            1. increase chances of living longer, feel better about yourself, sleep well at night, stay at or get to a healthy weight
            2. without physical activity, you're more likely to develop...
              1. heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholestorol, stroke
              2. especially beneficial activities
                1. aerobic activities, muscle-strengthening, bone strengthening and balance & stretching activites
              3. How much?
                1. adults (18-64): 2 hours and 30 minutes each week each week of moderate activity OR 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous activity
                  1. children and adolescents (6-17): 60 minutes or more a day
                    1. young children (2-5): no specific time
                    2. Burning Calories
                      1. moderate physical activity ex. for 1 hour
                        1. hiking - 370
                          1. dancing - 330
                            1. golf - 330
                              1. bicycling - 290
                                1. stretching - 180
                        2. vigorous physical activity ex. for 1 hour
                          1. running/jogging - 590
                            1. aerobics - 480
                              1. heavy yard work - 440
                                1. basketball - 440
                                  1. weight lifting - 440
                          2. for a 154 lb man who is 5' 10"
                          3. Tips for Increasing
                            1. make physical activity a regular part of the day
                              1. at home
                                1. exercise to a workout video, walk the dog, clean the house, wash the car, mow the lawn with a push mower
                                2. at work
                                  1. join the office softball team, replace a coffee break with a brisk 10-minute walk, take part in an exercise program at the nearest gym
                                  2. at play
                                    1. walk, jog, skate, cycle, swim, water aerobics, golf, canoe, row, kayak, basketball, soccer, softball


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