Online Comunications


Mapa Mental sobre Online Comunications, criado por 11sbradshaw em 16-12-2015.
Mapa Mental por 11sbradshaw, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por 11sbradshaw aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Online Comunications
  1. VOIP
    1. Voice Over Internet Protocall
      1. Can be used in calls between business people
        1. Is mainly instant, however can be effected by the connections with the internet
        2. Instant messaging
          1. Like facebook messanger
            1. Can be used to talk to friends or family all around the world
              1. They can be read by only the sender and the reciever and the trusted host of the service
                1. Unlikly for information to be gained by hackers.
                2. Collaborative working
                  1. Working online on documents where people have different levels of acces
                    1. Full access: Ability to delete, change and add to documents/files. Read only: Ability to read the documents/files. .Read and Write: Ability to change and add to documents/files.
                  2. Social networks
                    1. Such as facebook are online services where you can talk to friends and upload pictures to your page for people to view
                      1. Can be used to contact friends and family who are not living in the came country as you are, free of charge


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