

Degree Pharmacy (PH1402 - Cell and Molecular Biology) Mapa Mental sobre Transcription, criado por Has Maj em 25-12-2015.
Has Maj
Mapa Mental por Has Maj, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Has Maj
Criado por Has Maj quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. What is Transcription?
    1. A section of DNA is decoded to create proteins, to create RNA
    2. Differences from DNA Replication
      1. Does not use SSB proteins
        1. Only small section of DNA strand is broken
          1. The RNA nucelotides have different sugar and uracil replaces thymine
            1. Also single stranded
            2. No Helicase needed
            3. What are the sequence of events?
              1. Elongation
                1. The RNA Polymerase causes the alpha subunit of ribose to phosphodiester bond with -OH on the 3rd carbon. A pyrophosphate is lost
                  1. The RNA polymerase breaks open the RNA strand at -10 box
                2. Initiation
                  1. Eukaryotes
                    1. Uses TATA box
                      1. Uses TF's (DABFEH)
                        1. RNA Polymerase II
                        2. Prokaryotes
                          1. Uses -35, -10 and +1 Box
                            1. RNA Polymerase attaches to the promoter region covering from -35- +1
                          2. Termination
                            1. A terminator region is reached as a result a stem loop forms. The RNA polymerase gets tangled with the stem loop and broken off
                              1. They are palindromes and RNA base pair itself
                                1. Factor Row
                                  1. After this RNA can go straight into translatin
                                  2. Prokaryotes
                                    1. Eukaryotes
                                      1. Pre-RNA is formed and further spliced into RNA
                                        1. There are three parts to this: Capping, Polyadenylation and Intron Splicing
                                          1. Capping
                                            1. Guanine bond joined by 5 - 5 prime tri phosphae bond on 5 prime end base of the pre-MRNA
                                              1. The guanine is then methylated
                                            2. Polyadenylation
                                              1. Signal reached, cleaved 10-30 bases downstream, 250 adenine bases added
                                              2. Intron Splicing
                                                1. Uses snRNP
                                                  1. OH on 2 prime carbon nucleophilic attack on 5 prime end of intron
                                                    1. The 5 prime -OH attackes 3 prime intron end of intron and a lariat forms
                                      2. Structure of RNA Polymerase
                                        1. Made up of five subunits, sigma subunit can detach to create a four subunit core enzyme
                                          1. Sigma subunit tells RNA polymerase where promoter region starts


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