Integration Strategy


Chapter 1 (d)
Amalia Azlizuddi
Mapa Mental por Amalia Azlizuddi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Amalia Azlizuddi
Criado por Amalia Azlizuddi quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Integration Strategy
  1. Basic Substitution Method
    1. Trigonometric Functions
      1. ᶴ sin x dx = - cos x + C


        •    ᶴ sin x dx= - cos x + C ᶴ cos x dx = sin x + C ᶴ sec2 x dx = tan x + C ᶴ sec x tan x = sec x + C ᶴ csc2 x dx = - cot x + C ᶴ csc x cot x dx = - csc x + C   
        1. ᶴ cos x dx = sin x + C
          1. ᶴ sec^2 x dx = tan x + C
            1. ᶴ sec x tan x = sec x + C
              1. ᶴ csc^2 x dx = - cot x + C
                1. ᶴ csc x cot x dx = - csc x + C
        2. Trigonometric Identities
          1. cos^2 Ө + sin^2 Ө = 1
            1. 1 + tan^2 Ө = sec^2 Ө
              1. 1 + cot^2 Ө = csc^2 Ө
          2. Addition Formula
            1. cos (A + B) = cos A cos B – sin A cos B
              1. sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B
              2. Double Angle Formula
                1. cos 2Ө = cos^2 Ө - sin^2 Ө
                  1. sin 2Ө = 2 sin Ө cos Ө
                2. Half-Angle Formula
                3. Natural Logarithm
                  1. ∫ 1/u du = ln |u| + C
                  2. Exponential Functions
                    1. ∫ e^u du = e^u + C
                    2. General Exponential Functions
                      1. ∫ a^u du = a^u/ln a + C
                      2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
                            1. Hyperbolic Functions
                              1. ∫ sinh u du = cosh u + C
                                1. ∫ cosh u du = sinh u + C
                                  1. ∫ sech^2 u du = tanh u + C
                                    1. ∫ csch^2 u du = - coth u + C
                                      1. ∫ sech u tanh u du = - sech u + C
                                        1. ∫ csch u coth u du = - csch u + C
                              2. Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
                              3. Completing the Square
                                1. ax^2 + bx + c = 0
                                  1. x^2 + b/a x + c/a = 0
                                2. Trigonometric Identities
                                  1. - summation of two terms power two
                                    1. - Different angle
                                      1. ᶴ csc x dx = -ln l csc x + cot x l + C
                                        1. ᶴ sec x dx = ln l sec x + tan x l + C
                                          1. ᶴ tan x dx = -ln l cos x l + C
                                            1. ᶴ cot x dx = ln l sin x l + C
                                  2. Improper Fraction
                                    1. ᶴ polynomial/polynomial
                                      1. (Degree of numerator ≥ Degree of denominator)
                                        1. Long Division Method
                                    2. Separating Functions
                                      1. (a + b)/c = a/c + b/c
                                      2. Multiplying by a Form of 1
                                        1. Eliminating Square Roots
                                          1. Trigonometric Functions win the Square Root
                                            1. the Trigonometric Functions can be Simplified to Eliminate the Square Roots
                                            2. Integration by Parts
                                              1. Either function is not the differential coefficient of the other
                                                1. eg:: ᶴ x^2 ln x dx
                                                  1. ᶴ u dv = uv – ᶴ v du
                                                2. Trigonometric Integrals
                                                  1. ᶴ sin2 x dx = ½ ᶴ ( 1 – cos 2x) = x/2 – sin2x/4 + C
                                                    1. ᶴ cos2 x dx = ½ ᶴ ( 1 + cos 2x) = x/2 + sin2x/4 + C
                                                  2. Trigonometric Substitutions
                                                    1. Improper Intergral
                                                      1. Type 1
                                                        1. Type 2


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