Authentic and Traditional Assessment


This mind map highlights the differences between authentic and traditional assessment.
Mapa Mental por laurenal, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por laurenal aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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Authentic and Traditional Assessment
  1. Different types of Assessments
    1. Authentic Assessments
      1. Students develop capability of performing real-world tasks
        1. Teachers use tasks that replicate real world problems.
          1. Assessment drives the curriculum "planning backwards"
            1. Teachers are encouraged to "teach the test"
              1. AKA
                1. performance assessment alternative assessment direct assessment
                2. Allows student to demonstrate individually
                  1. How do you implement authentic assessments specifically for ELLs and ESL classes?
                    1. Look at the standards set by WIDA
                      1. Choose an authentic task you want your students to be able to complete
                        1. Identify the criteria you would like your students to meet, with the WIDA standards in mind
                          1. Make a rubric that reflects this information
                            1. Determine a benchmark score that you would like to see your students meet
                              1. Adjust the instruction and assessment to better fill the needs of your students
                  2. Traditional Assessments
                    1. multiple choice tests
                      1. Goal is to get students to know a body of knowledge
                        1. Favors "good test takers" however, it also increases consistency and comparability
                        2. Use a mix of both
                          1. Specific differences
                            1. perform a task
                              1. select a response
                                1. contrived
                                  1. real-life
                                    1. construction/ application
                                      1. recall/recognition
                                        1. teacher-structured
                                          1. student-structured
                                            1. direct evidence
                                              1. indirect evidence


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