a poison tree


Mapa Mental sobre a poison tree, criado por charlesmell em 08-02-2016.
Mapa Mental por charlesmell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por charlesmell aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

a poison tree
  1. William Blake
    1. 28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827
      1. deeply religious
        1. artist
          1. picture
          2. meaning
            1. literal
              1. 1 failed out with a friend
                1. 2 anger grow
                2. 3 friend found out
                  1. 4 stopped being friends
                  2. metaphorical
                    1. the apple could be the heart filld with anger
                      1. the red ness of the apple could be his anger
                      2. I told my wrath my wrath did end
                        1. he is realising his anger
                          1. stoppers the anger growing in side
                            1. wrath= anger
                            2. I told it not my wrath did grow
                              1. when you don't tell people of you anger it will grow
                                1. the tree symbolises the growth of anger
                                  1. the tree could represent his sole
                                    1. the apple could be anger growing of his soul
                                2. when the friend found the apple he eat it
                                  1. like the friend is trying to get rid of the anger
                                    1. try to absorb the anger
                                    2. my foe outstretched beneath the tree
                                      1. the anger kill his friend
                                        1. murder
                                  2. righting technique
                                    1. AA.BB rime scheme
                                      1. used words all to do with growth


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