Effective Planning for All


A mind map of out UW course in São Paulos
Mapa Mental por blanche.queiroz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por blanche.queiroz quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Effective Planning for All
  1. Principles and Guidelines
    1. Constructive Alignment - creating a course desing with begins with the end in mind
      1. Active, students shouldn’t be passive
        1. Real, always keeping in mind the outcomes
          1. When planning, goals must be realistic and fare. Thinking about our own students and adapting to their needs. Having the main concept and adapt it to our class.
          2. Challenge, making activities more interesting
            1. Teacher must keep students motivated and interesting in the work
            2. Lesson Plans
            3. Stratergies and Tools
              1. Class Profile
                1. Gather information about students in class
                  1. Place informations on a class profile tamplate
                    1. Select the resources and stratergies you will use in the class
                      1. Monitor your progress
                      2. Student Profile
                        1. Gather information of student´s strengths and needs
                          1. Use parent´s information, Rubics, Checklist, Observations, Previous Teachers, Student´s Portfolio
                          2. Provide Accommodations to help student improve
                            1. Use instructional stratergies and monitor progress
                              1. Involve the in-school team
                            2. Knowing your student
                              1. Observation
                                1. Assessments
                                  1. Class Activities
                                2. Assessment OF/FOR/AS learning
                                  1. How to Assess?
                                    1. Formative - in the process of learning. Gathering information about the student.
                                      1. Summative - when you pull all together the information made during the process and evaluation of the child.
                                      2. Types of Assessment
                                        1. Written Assessment
                                          1. Digital - Showin students how they are improving
                                            1. Classroom Observation
                                              1. Portfolios
                                                1. Rating Scales and Self-Assessment
                                                  1. Checklists
                                                    1. Rubrics
                                                  2. Instructional Approach
                                                    1. Universal Desing for Learning - provides teachers a range principles for planning
                                                      1. Essential for Some, Good for All
                                                        1. Equality; Flexibility and inclusiveness; An appropriately designed space; Simplicity and Safety
                                                      2. Differentiated Instrucitons - a response to the learner's needs. A teacher can differentiate by:
                                                        1. the content of learning
                                                          1. the process of learning
                                                            1. the content of learning
                                                              1. the affect/environment of learning
                                                              2. The Tiered Approach- for prevention and interventions
                                                              3. Team Meeting and Growth Plans
                                                                1. Individual Student/Class Growth Plan
                                                                  1. Behaviour Progress Chart
                                                                    1. Essential for some, good for all.


                                                                    Mind Map
                                                                    Marina Faria
                                                                    Idade Média (476 - 1453)
                                                                    Isadora Bortolotto da Silva
                                                                    Mapas Conceituais
                                                                    Renata Manuely
                                                                    Letramento Digital
                                                                    Vânia Villarim
                                                                    Suzana Bertiotti
                                                                    Nos bastidores da Disney
                                                                    Gabriella Lima4390
                                                                    Laboratórios I
                                                                    Rúben Santos
                                                                    PLANEJAMENTO ESTRATÉGICO
                                                                    Linguagem/Língua + Sociedade/Fatores Sociais