Curriculum models and types


Mind map about Curriculum designs
Ed Charlie
Mapa Mental por Ed Charlie, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ed Charlie
Criado por Ed Charlie quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Curriculum models and types
  1. -Outline approaches, methods and procedures
    1. According to focus
      1. Subject or student centered: Core, integrated and broad fields curricula
        1. According to approach
          1. Traditional or innovative, traditional and innovative
            1. According to content
              1. Topic-based or competency-based
                1. According to process
                  1. Formative or summative
                    1. According to structure
                      1. System, linear and cyclic
              2. Four categories of Curriculum design
                1. Traditional curriculum model
                  1. The Student-centered model
                    1. The critical model
                      1. The Structural model
                    2. The Tyler model
                      1. The Taba model
                        1. The Saylor and Alexander model
                          1. Bases-Goals and objectives-Curriculum designing-Curriculum implementation-Curriculum Evaluation
                            1. Process model
                              1. Emphasis on means rather than ends. More individualised atmosphere. Learners make learning experiences
                                1. Advantages: Emphasis on learning skills, active roles on teacher and students
                                  1. Disadvantages: Difficulty in applying approach in some areas
                              2. It was more Administrative model "Teachers should practice or participate in developing curriculum"
                        2. Types of curriculum
                          1. Overt, Explicit or Written curriculum
                            1. Societal curriculum
                              1. The hidden or covert curriculum
                                1. The null curriculum
                                  1. Phantom curriculum
                                    1. Concomitant curriculum
                                      1. Rhetorical curriculum
                                        1. Curriculum in-use
                                          1. Received curriculum
                                            1. The internal curriculum
                                              1. The electronic curriculum
                                                1. Search on the internet for information
                                                2. Content, knowledge combined with experiences
                                                3. What students take out of the class (concepts)
                                                4. Delivered and presented by each teachers
                                                5. Ideas offered by school officials
                                                6. Religious context, lessons values, ethics or morals, social experiences
                                                7. Messages exposure to any type of media. Acculturating students in narrower subcultures
                                                8. We do not teach, giving students the message that these elements are not important in their experiences
                                                9. Implied by structure and nature of school
                                                10. Informal curriculum of family, peer grupo, neighborhoods, churches organizations, forces "educate"
                                                11. Confined by administrators, curriculum directors and teachers
                                              2. Edna Yazmin Morán Charles


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