Energy Consumption


A-Levels Geography (Energy Security) Mapa Mental sobre Energy Consumption, criado por Jodie Goodacre em 23-12-2013.
Jodie Goodacre
Mapa Mental por Jodie Goodacre, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jodie Goodacre
Criado por Jodie Goodacre aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Energy Consumption
  1. Most of the primary energy sources are used to generate electricity
    1. In the UK, most of our domestic and imported supplies of coal and natural gas and all our nuclear energy are converted into electricity
      1. This is done by burning them and using the heat to raise steam that turns electricity generating turbines
      2. Electricity is the largest 'consumer' of primary energies
        1. As a secondary energy electricity is efficient, easy to transport and clean. Its main downside is it can't be stored
          1. Demand and supply have to run in unison
            1. Moving to modern energy use
              1. As poor families in developing countries increase their incomes, they can afford more modern appliances
                1. These in turn demand more and better energy supplies
                2. The three main factors that control the transition from traditional to modern energy use are:
                  1. Energy Availability
                    1. In many parts of the world modern types of energy are either not available, or remain inaccessible because the necessary infrastructure to deliver those energies has yet to be put in place
                    2. Energy Affordability
                      1. Even when modern forms of energy are available, households may not use them if they are much more expensive than traditional sources such as burning wood or dung. In rural areas, biomass is often preferred because it is 'free' and readily available
                      2. Cultural Preferences
                        1. Tradition often slows the adoption of more modern energy sources. For example, in the UK today there are still many who prefer to use an open coal or wood fire rather than a gas or electric one
                    3. The influence of climate
                      1. At any point along the transition, the level of energy consumption will also be influenced by the prevailing climate
                        1. The need to keep warm in cold climates - and to keep cool in hot climates by means of air conditioning - increases consumptions of enegy
                          1. In both instances, there is a seasonal variation in energy consumption
                          2. Big Players
                            1. Oil is the most widely used fuel for energy generation
                              1. Despite the search for new reserves, the middle east remains the biggest player, with huge output and immense reserves
                                1. Saudi Arabia alone accounts for 22% of the world's proven reserves
                                  1. Oil gives the middle east great power on the geopolitical stage
                                    1. Other non-renewable energy resources have similarly uneven patterns of availability and access
                                      1. China, for example, has great coal reserves, and builds the equivalent of two medium sized coal-fired power stations each week
                                        1. The country's coal consumption has more than doubled since 1990, but the increasing use of coal comes at a considerable environmental cost
                                          1. China's carbon dioxide emissions now exceed those of the USA
                                          2. Global availability of energy resources
                                            1. Fuel and energy resources and not evenly distributed round the globe
                                              1. The global distribution of energy available depends of factors such as geology, physical geography, available technology and the costs of exploitation
                                              2. Local variations
                                                1. The distribution of renewable energy also varies at a range of scales
                                                  1. The highest potential solar input occurs towards the equator, but it is also influenced by local factors such as the amount of cloud cover
                                                    1. At a more local scale, it is possible to use an online estimation tool to calculate average wind speeds
                                                      1. Access to energy resources also varies spatially
                                                        1. Poverty and access to electricity have been found to be inversely related
                                                          1. Today, more than 2.1 billion people or 425 million households are still without access to electricity


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