Conventions of a Digipak


a2 media
Mapa Mental por g3mmasmith, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por g3mmasmith quase 9 anos atrás

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Conventions of a Digipak
  1. What is a Digipak?
    1. Digipak is a style of CD or DVD packaging
      1. - They normally gatefold like a book
        1. - The outer packaging is made from card/paper and the inner packaging can be made from plastic
          1. - They are normally used on special addition and albums
            1. - They are more likely to wear and get damaged than average cases
            2. Folds
              1. Digipak's are designed to fold into a square CD case.
                1. The front and the back panels are the main promoters of the CD and are used to draw in the customers
                  1. The inside of the digipak is used for more information and extra bits to do with the artist/song/album
                  2. Front of the digipak
                    1. The front of the digipak tends to have a large eye-catching photograph of the artist themselves
                      1. The picture illustrated on the front panels tend to have a relation to the songs or artist
                        1. The song album/title will also be found on the front pannel
                        2. Back of the digipak
                          1. The back of the digipak usually consists of the tracklist, artist/album name and any extra information
                            1. In addition, there is a barcode usually on the back as well as the record label


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