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Mother, Any Distance
Mapa Mental sobre Mother, Any Distance, criado por Beckie Hardy em 25-02-2016.
Mapa Mental por
Beckie Hardy
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Beckie Hardy
quase 9 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Mother, Any Distance
Loose sonnet
"at the zero end"
mother is at the zero
She's at the beginning - she was there from the beginning
She gave him life
Link to tape measure
Shows bond between the mother and son
Tape measure representing umbilical cord that connects mother and child
Umbilical cord feeds baby - injects life into baby
Umbilical cord does get cut - shows change in relationship
Can be reeled back in
Son will always be able to revert back to his mother
Always an attachment
Can be used to show the journey of life
"Any distance greater than a single span requires a second pair of hands"
Despite distance the relationship between mother and son is still strong
"single span"
One person can measure
More than that cannot be done alone
Half rhyme "span" and "hands" shows uncertainty of how he will cope without his mother
Needs someone else's (mother's) help still sometimes
"Anchor. Kite."
Anchor weighs down
Mother and son are going in different directions
They are moving apart
Falling/bringing something down
Kite flies up
No in between
Kites can fall
Kite flies in a controlled manor
Someone holds onto the kite
Shows that there is still that connection between mother and son
If the anchor loses the string then the kite flies away completely
If mother loses connection with son then she loses him forever
Anchor gives stability
Sense of security
Anchor brings a boat to a halt
Anchor is pointless without boat
Mother is pointless without son
Mother's job is always needed as she is the sons anchor
"." - separation - end of childhood/start of adulthood
Both start on the ground - on the same level
Both moving in different directions - embarking on different journeys
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