The Sound System Of Old English


Mapa Mental sobre The Sound System Of Old English, criado por perlasieh em 27-02-2016.
Mapa Mental por perlasieh, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por perlasieh mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Sound System Of Old English
  1. Consonants
    1. Stops
      1. Voiced
        1. /b/
          1. /d/
            1. /g/
            2. Voiceless
              1. /t/
                1. /p/
                  1. /k/
                2. Nasal
                  1. /n/
                    1. /m/
                    2. Liquids
                      1. /l/
                        1. Clear
                          1. /l/
                          2. Dark
                            1. /ł/
                          3. /r/
                          4. Clusters
                            1. Initial
                              1. /x/ + liquid, nasal or approximant
                                1. /xl -, xr -, xn -, xw -/
                            2. Affricates
                              1. Silibant
                                1. /s/
                                  1. /dʒ/
                                    1. /tʃ/
                                  2. Fricatives
                                    1. Voiced
                                      1. Occurs in the middle of a word
                                        1. /f, θ, X/
                                      2. Voiceless
                                        1. Occurs at the beginning of a word
                                          1. Glottal
                                            1. /h/
                                            2. Velar
                                              1. /x/
                                                1. Allophones
                                          2. Glides
                                            1. /j/
                                              1. /w/
                                              2. Geminate
                                                1. Long consonants
                                                  1. hoppian (hop) vs. hoping (hope)
                                              3. Vowels
                                                1. Front Vowels
                                                  1. 3 Pairs
                                                    1. /æː/ - /æ/
                                                      1. /iː/ - /i/
                                                        1. /eː/ - /e/
                                                      2. Front Rounded
                                                        1. 1 Pair
                                                          1. /yː/ - /y/
                                                        2. Back Vowels
                                                          1. 3 Pairs
                                                            1. /Oː/ - /O/
                                                              1. /aː/ - /a/
                                                                1. /uː/ - /u/
                                                              2. Diphthongs
                                                                1. <ĕo> <eo>
                                                                  1. <ĭo> <io>
                                                                    1. <ĕa> <ea>
                                                                      1. Schwa
                                                                        1. /eːə/ /eə/
                                                                          1. /æːə/
                                                                            1. /ĕə/ /eə/


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