Ways to access poems


Mindmap on understanding poetry techniques and methods.
Mapa Mental por abl, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por abl quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Ways to access poems
  1. Rhythm
    1. Gives it a beat/pace
      1. Gives sense of feeling/mood
      2. Rhyme
        1. Again helps define mood/tone
        2. Style of language/vocab
          1. Patterns of words/themes established
          2. Use of punctuation
            1. end stop versus free flowing
            2. Poet's point of view
              1. Is there a message
              2. Physical appearence
                1. Regular verse structure
                  1. Irregular verse structure
                  2. Does the poem tell a story?
                    1. Does the poem have a persona used
                    2. Title-obvious or ambiguous


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