The computer can be differentiated from industrial technology.
The computer does not do "work" like the machines of the industrial revolution
They handle "control" and "information"
"The automatic the precise economic
equivalent of slave labour. Any labour which competes
with slave labour must accept the economic conditions of
slave labour" (Norbert Wiener, 1954)
Control mechanisms in steel industry
Steel hammer allowed for the deliberate variation of force
Expansion of human activities
Technology does not simply substitute for human labour but
can also expand human capacities
Computer to process an assignment
More accurate
Search for a word
Quicker than doing it manually
Enhancement of human capacities
For with the help of machinery, human labour performs
actions and creates things which without it would be
absolutely impossible of accomplishment. (Karl Marx, 1993 p.309)
Google search - can search for a phrase to check for copyright
infringement. Almost impossible to do previously
Smartphones can be substituted for human labour but only when the
human labour has developed the essential technology to replace the
process. The smartphone is a result of the collection of years of research
and human labour by many different individuals and groups and this
collective development then shaped the final product. Any new technology
or automated process is a product of human labour.
These new technologies can be used to extend and enhance the capabilities of
human labour. The smartphone can be used by a human to enhance their
communication abilities, allows them to be more productive with the ability to stay
connected to the world through email and social media.
The smartphone contains apps which can be described as “special purpose
information machines” which are downloaded onto your universal machine
(smartphone) and used. These apps can reduce the mental human labor by
performing tasks such as calculating, converting, spell checking and so on. With
these apps, a human can enjoy a much more productive and efficient way of
completing these tasks with this technology.
Concept of an information machine
Regarded as doing a form of mental work
Excel formula in a spreadsheet - Substitutes for direct mental albour and is
doing a form of mental work
Significance of the materiality of information technology
Not significant as long as
the parts carry out their
intended purpose
When a particular machine is described to us, we do not first ask questions
about its material construction (Minsky, 1967 p.5)
Computer as an information machine
Can be understood as an information machine,
rather than as industrial technology, in the sense
made explicit by Minsky
The computer is a universal information machine capable of being
programmed to imitate the operations of any other special purpose
information machine
Difference in cost will be large in terms of labour.
Once the technology diffuses, the initial
cost of the machine will reduce
Add up data by hand / Add up data with formula
When dealing with larger sets of data, formula will be more efficient thus enhancing capabilities
Analogously, an appropriately programmed computer,
used for human communication rather than for
machine control, can be regarded as both
Substituting for direct human labour in
relation to processes which were
previously humanly done.
Extending human capacities for mental work,
similarly building on existing information