Fun Gym 3


fun gym
Mapa Mental por balbaeraher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por balbaeraher quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Fun Gym 3
  1. Bridget could use image editing software like Photoshop to create posters, leaflets and images to advertise fun gym.
    1. She should also consider the Data Protection Act when having a restricted area for members only
      1. Having the suitable output devices in her gym like speakers.
        1. Having encrypted files is a good way to send personal information since it is private and confidential
          1. Bridget should consider which pictures she has used on her website because it might be flagged for copyright. She can avoid this by informing the owner of that image and asking if it is available to use for her website.
            1. Tom should find a suitable storage medium to store his music so it's easily transferrable to the gym's storage. Tom can use a USB since it's portable and compact
              1. Tom should also consider which image editing software he can use to create poster and leaflets to advertise the gym
                1. Tom can contact his seven private clients by using a messaging service like Facebook or email however since he wants it to be private, he can encrypt the email. This will provide security to each message sent and would not be readable if other people opened his message
                  1. Cyber bullying can be stop by informing people by using the report button. This can reduce cyberbullying since they're reported on the website restricting them from messaging you.


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