Telephone 4


Mapa Mental sobre Telephone 4, criado por Alyssa M Ramos em 22-03-2016.
Alyssa M Ramos
Mapa Mental por Alyssa M Ramos, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alyssa M Ramos
Criado por Alyssa M Ramos mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Telephone 4
  1. Essential Question
    1. How would modern day society and technology be impacted if people never invented the telephone at the time it did?
    2. History/ Background
      1. Inventors
        1. Alexander Graham Bell
          1. Joined father in studying speech & teaching deaf, became interested in other forms of communication
          2. Thomas Edison
            1. Invented a carbon transmitter that improved the sound quantity of the telephone. Made improvements; creating special mouthpiece improving ability to transmit sound.
            2. Elisha Gray
              1. Independently invented practical telephone building the first steel diaphragm /electromagnetic receiver in 1874 but not a workable transmitter like Bell
              2. Antonio Meucci
                1. Some say that he invented the telephone before Alexander Graham Bell. He was best known as voice communication apparatus developer. His patent submitted was called by the name Sound Telegraph on December 28, 1871
                2. Emil Berliner
                  1. Born in Hannover, Germany on May 20, 1851 Immigrated to US in 1870 Invented a transmitter that made the telephone better
                  2. Thomas Augustus Watson
                    1. Alexander Graham Bell’s Assistant Age 14: Begun to work with Alexander Graham Bell
                  3. Did research from 1874- 1875 -First Sentence spoken on March 10, 1847 Alexander Graham Bell’s Laboratory located in Boston, Massachusetts
                  4. Impact on Society
                    1. Economic
                      1. The telephone was promoted to the wealthy people, but Graham didn't want this. He want it to be used by anyone. The invention of the Telephone lead to the development of city center, office building, and the concept of an urban worker society. It lead to creation of jobs and destruction of jobs. The need for messenger boys, telegraphers, and many other jobs.
                        1. Useful for business managers (keep in contact w/ widely dispersed businesses)
                        2. Political
                          1. Made it easier for politicians to communicate, so made running their campaign easier to manage.
                          2. Social
                            1. More social events were created, because it was easier to get the word out there. People could talk to each other easier.
                          3. Important details about the Telephone
                            1. In the first Telephone, sound waves caused an electric current to vary in intensity and frequency, causing a diaphragm to vibrate. These vibrations were transferred magnetically to the ear/bell.
                              1. Became industrialized world's only means of long-distance vocal communication
                                1. 150,000 telephones by 1888
                                  1. Become one of the most applicable household items


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