Telegraph 1


Mapa Mental sobre Telegraph 1, criado por Aidan Ryan Boonjue em 22-03-2016.
Aidan Ryan Boonjue
Mapa Mental por Aidan Ryan Boonjue, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aidan Ryan Boonjue
Criado por Aidan Ryan Boonjue mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Telegraph 1
  1. Essential Question
    1. Think about the time when the telegraph was not invented, What do we take for granted when it comes to fast communication?
      1. How did the devolpement of the telegraph affect the growth and devolpement of the USA?
        1. How will the advancements of the telegraph affect the US's economy?
        2. History/Backgroung
          1. Earliest form of communication was smoke, fire, and drum signals
            1. Samuel F.B. Morse
              1. Alfred Vail
            2. The word telegraph comes from the greek words tele"far" and graphen "to write"
              1. Claude Chappe invented the optical telegraph in France in 1794. It required a line of sight.
                1. William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone in England in 1837 proved that the telegraph could work by electricity but it had problems.
                  1. Samuel F.B. Morse and Alfred Vail (from 1837) invented Morse code in 1836 and the telegraph that solved the problems the first one had in 1837
                2. by 1856 Telegraph lines were all across the US
                3. Impact on society
                  1. General- Predesuccer to the telephone and succerer to the optical telegraph
                    1. Economical- Dealing trades was eaiser, companys started, buisnesses could arrange meeting easier
                      1. Scocial- People can communicate over long distances
                        1. Political- News will spread faster
                        2. Details
                          1. The Telegraph can send messages over long distances in a reasonable amount of time
                            1. The telegraph is a circut. When you push the operating button it sends and electrical signal to the other end of the machine. Then the signal is transmited through telegraph wires that span miles to another telegraph where the message is played.


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