'Globalisation is simply Americanisation in disguise.' Discuss


A Levels Government and Politics (Approaches to Global Politics) Mapa Mental sobre 'Globalisation is simply Americanisation in disguise.' Discuss, criado por ktuffin_95 em 25-01-2014.
Mapa Mental por ktuffin_95, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ktuffin_95 mais de 10 anos atrás

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'Globalisation is simply Americanisation in disguise.' Discuss
  1. What is Globalisation?
    1. Complex web of interconnectedness
      1. Lives effected by discisions made at an increasing distance
        1. Poltical, Economic and Cultural
        2. Agree
          1. Economy


            • The USA remains the world’s largest economy and so is deeply implicated in economic globalisation.  The period of accelerated globalisation that commenced in the 1980's was linked to a significant improvement in the USA’s economic position relative to key  rivals, notably Japan and Germany.
            1. Trade


              • Globalisation and free trade advance the interests of powerful states, and the USA in particular, by forcing other states to open up their market E.g. The US really promotes the expansion of the EU, as it provides a very strong trading bloc. The US have said that should the UK leave the EU, the 'special relationship' embarked upon by Bush and Blair would be seriously implimented. 
              1. Ideology


                • Globalisation has been structured by ideological forces that have their origin in the USA. This is reflected in the extent to which the institutions of global economic governance support neoliberalism (government intervene in economics as little as possible) as dictated by the so-called ‘Washington Consensus' ("standard" reform package promoted for crisis-wracked developing countries)
                1. Culture


                  • Cultural globalisation is closely linked to the spread of ‘Americanisation’, in that a large proportion of global goods, films, television programmes and global celebrities are American in origin. Cultural homogenisation therefore facilitates the spread of US ideas, images and institutions.
                2. Disagree
                  1. Benefits other states


                    • Globalisation can be seen to benefit all states that participate in it, not just economically powerful ones such as the USA. This is reflected in the progress made in recent decades by newly industrial states and emerging powers.  (e.g. MINTs, BRICs - set to all be in the top 15 economies in the world by 2050 (Nigeria moving from 39th to 13th)
                    1. China since the 1990's


                      • since the 1990's it has benefited China, which is projected to overtake the USA in economic terms by 2018.  
                      1. Unsustainable


                        • The US version of globalisation has been revealed as unsustainable by the global financial crisis of 2007-08, badly damaging, for example, the status of the dollar and the relative strength of the US economy
                        1. Culturally, the US is insignificant
                          1. Colonialization


                            • It was Europe who held the largest colonies and the cultural globalisation which occured here is still evident (e.g. Christianity in Africa)
                            1. Cuisine


                              • Chinese, Indian and even French cuisine are all held in higher esteem than american cuisine. 
                              1. Television


                                • US television does not really portray America's heritage, and consequently, it has little benefit, unlike British heritage, such as Downton Abbey and Mr.Selfridge, which are streamed by a million Chinese every month. The development of news networks such as Al Jazeera have seen a shift away from American news, as people want to know what is going on in the Middle East, from this perspective - this has implemented US soft power, as it is clear they have failed to win the 'hearts and minds'


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