Chopin- Raindrop Prelude sections


GCSE Music Mapa Mental sobre Chopin- Raindrop Prelude sections, criado por Lucy Hodgson em 17-04-2016.
Lucy Hodgson
Mapa Mental por Lucy Hodgson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lucy Hodgson
Criado por Lucy Hodgson quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Chopin- Raindrop Prelude sections
  1. Section A
    1. The key is in Db Major
      1. The melody is in the right hand
        1. The texture is Melody Dominated Homophony
          1. First three notes are falling (cantabile tone) in a broken chord
            1. The harmony uses a consistant pedal note on the dominant (Ab)
              1. Acciaccatura ia also used to help with the harmony
                1. A second theme is introduced adding variety
                  1. Chromatic notes are used to make the harmony more interesing
                    1. By the end of section A the Ab is written as G# known as an enharmonic change used to help lead into section B (tonality)
                    2. Section B
                      1. The key goes to C# Minor in an Enharmonic change
                        1. The dynamics written on the score contain lots of crescenods
                          1. The dynamics build up with sudden changes in mood
                            1. The melody changes to the left hand
                              1. The harmony in this section uses an inverted dominant pedal as the pedal note is in the right hand.
                                1. There is an obvious change in mood
                                  1. The lower region of the piano is used
                                    1. The G# key is used as the pivot to take the piece back to Db Major in the last section
                                      1. The texture in chordal
                                      2. Section A and Coddetta
                                        1. Section A is repeated but it is much shorter
                                          1. The key returns to Db Major
                                            1. The melody here uses smorzando
                                              1. The tempo is slow and rubarto is used
                                                1. There is a ritt at the end of the piece
                                                  1. The texture is both monophonic and homophonic
                                                    1. The codetta is 8 bars long
                                                      1. The pedal note drops out for three bars and then starts up again (Harmony)
                                                        1. The piece finishes in pianissimo
                                                          1. The piece ends in a perfect cadence (5-1)


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