Properties of Waves


Mapa Mental sobre Properties of Waves, criado por ichaves em 21-04-2016.
Mapa Mental por ichaves, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ichaves quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Properties of Waves
  1. Waves only transfer energy
    1. Transverse waves
      1. The vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of traves.
        1. Waves in water
          1. Light waves
          2. Longitudinal waves
            1. The vibrations are parallel to the direction of travel.
              1. Sound waves
            2. Wavelength λ
              1. Is the length of a full cyrcle of a wave.
              2. Amplitude
                1. Is the size of a wave.
                2. Frequency
                  1. Is the number of complete waves to pass a point every second.


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