James Connelly


Mapa Mental sobre James Connelly, criado por jack6737 em 06-02-2014.
Mapa Mental por jack6737, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jack6737 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

James Connolly
  1. Socialist and trade union organiser. Born in Edinburgh of Irish parents Enlisted in the British Army at 14. Served for 7 years untill deserted and he developed a hatred for the british army after witnessing brutal treatment from soldiers.
    1. Influenced by Scottish socialist John Leslie he became secretary of the independent Labour Party in Edinburgh until he was made redundant. Leslie arranged for him to be employed by the Dublin socialist society 1886. He became a member of the United Labourers of Ireland and represented on Dublin Trade Councils
      1. Founded the Irish republican Socialist Party and the Workers Republic 1898-99. After moving his family to New York he founded the irish socialist Federation.
        1. Joint founder along with James Larkin of the Irish Labour Party 1912. Jointly founded the Irish citizen army. He commited the Laour movementagainst the Allies whne the War broke out in 1914.He plaged the Citizen Army to support the volunteers in the Easter rising1916.
          1. Proved himself to be most effective and inspirational leader of the rebel leaders during the insurrection. on Easter Monday he led the Headquarters Battalion from Liberty hall to the General Post officeand construction of defences.
            1. He was severely wounded and arrested and court martialled following the surrender. On May 9 1916, James Connolly was sentenced to die by firing squad.

              Anexos de mídia


              16 Dicas para o Professor Criativo
              Alessandra S.
              Vocabulário Inglês Básico_1
              Felipe Penha
              Progressão Aritmética (P.A.)
              First Certificate - Use of English Parte 3
              GoConqr suporte .
              História da informática
              Renato Costa
              Questionário - Tabela Periódica dos Elementos
              Conceitos fundamentais da cinemática
              Camila Amaral
              Imperialismo e Neocolonialismo
              Daniel Lima
              Crise da República e a ruptura de 1930
              jacson luft
              Contextualização da Aula 2 - Gestão - Administração da Carreira Profissional
              Fabrícia Assunção