Language and Technology


Mind-map of Language and Technology for A-Level English Language
Eleanor H
Mapa Mental por Eleanor H, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Eleanor H
Criado por Eleanor H mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Language and Technology


  • Refer to:
  1. Texting
    1. Linguistic Compression
      1. Vowel Deletion
        1. Phonetic Spelling
          1. Initialism
            1. Letter/Number Homophones
              1. texts used to be restricted to 160 characters with 10p charge
              2. Expressive Punctuation
                1. could now be replaced with emojis
                2. Ellipsis
                  1. like spoken language
                  2. spontaneous
                    1. Predictive Text and Auto-Correct
                      1. tolerates non-standard but not random grammar, spelling etc
                      2. Emails
                        1. often like letters
                          1. conventional format
                            1. To/From
                              1. Subject Line
                                1. CC/BCC
                                  1. can be addressed to more than one person, affecting register
                                  2. Date/Time Sent
                                    1. would not have in a letter
                                    2. Salutation
                                      1. Sign-Off
                                        1. may not be followed for more informal situation
                                        2. often no signature
                                          1. Formal and Informal
                                          2. Phone Calls and Voicemails
                                            1. Canonical Openings
                                              1. Summons/Answer
                                                1. Identification/Recognition
                                                  1. now we have Caller ID
                                                  2. Greeting Sequence
                                                    1. "How-Are-You" Sequences
                                                      1. by Schegloff
                                                      2. Closing Sequences
                                                        1. Metatalk
                                                          1. e.g. "We've been nattering on like a pair of old women, haven't we?"
                                                          2. Phatic Speech Acts
                                                            1. e.g. "It's been lovely speaking to you."
                                                            2. Discourse Markers
                                                              1. Postive/Negative Politeness
                                                                1. Valedictions
                                                                  1. e.g. "bye", "see you later"
                                                                2. Phone Calls - Dialogic Voicemails - Monologic
                                                                  1. due to wide range of alternatives, voicemails are hardly ever left
                                                                    1. with a mobile phone the foregrounding of location may be needed whilst landline assumes some privacy
                                                                      1. Overlapping
                                                                        1. enthusiastic or dominant?
                                                                        2. spontaneous
                                                                          1. from a company, may be 'scripted'
                                                                          2. Turn-Taking
                                                                          3. Theories
                                                                            1. Fairclough
                                                                              1. computers imitate human interaction
                                                                                1. e.g. "Are you sure?"
                                                                                2. computers do 'turn-taking'
                                                                                3. Werry
                                                                                  1. in internet chat, people use more letters than necessary to imitate speech or semantic nuances
                                                                                    1. texts and emails are like spoken language because of turn-taking and informality
                                                                                    2. Accommodation Theory, Politeness & Conversational Maxims


                                                                                      • See more on attached resource


                                                                                      1. Brown and Levinson
                                                                                        1. Synchronous Communication (instant, in 'real-time')
                                                                                          1. e.g. internet chat
                                                                                          2. Asynchronous Communication (delay between sending & receiving)
                                                                                            1. e.g. texts, emails


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