Language Ability


Mapa Mental sobre Language Ability, criado por Danna Diaz em 25-05-2016.
Danna Diaz
Mapa Mental por Danna Diaz, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Danna Diaz
Criado por Danna Diaz mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Language Ability
  1. Communicative Competence
    1. Organizational Knowledge
      1. Grammatical Knowledge
        1. Vocabulary: • Places of the school • Educational Community members • Parts of the house/ Types of houses • • Family members/Types of family Phonology: • Pronunciation • Spelling Syntax: • Simple present • This (Demonstratives) • There is/ there are • Place Prepositions
        2. Textual Knowledge
          1. Oral and Written
            1. Descriptive
              1. Pronunciation and Semantic
        3. Pragmatic Knowledge
          1. Functional Knowledge
            1. Ideational: Give opinions of like and dislike about places Regulatory: Rules and Commands
            2. Sociolinguistic Knowledge
              1. Formal and Informal
                1. School and house's rules
          2. Strategic Competence
            1. Learner's Strategies
              1. • Social • Affective
              2. Teacher's Strategies
                1. Kumaravadivelu • Facilitate negotiated Interaction •Contextualize Linguistic Input
              3. Affective Schemata
                1. • Multiple Intelligences: Visual Auditory Linguistic Interpersonal • Learning Styles • Strategies
                2. Topical Knowledge
                  1. • School • Houses, Types of houses • Types and members of the family • Educational community members


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