Greece was made up of many small independent city-states.
Athens, Sparta, Thebes, 3 big examples
Athens grew in power
(5th century) and took
charge over many
smaller city-states.
By the 5th century Athens was a
democracy but only citizens
could play a role in the political
life of the city.
Women, slaves and
foreigners could not
participate in the
politics of the city.
Leading philosophers, poets, scientists,
artists, rhetoricians and literary theorists
were attracted from all over the Greek
world to come to Athens.
The city became a hub for activity
Only native-born males were
granted citizenship and they made
up not even a quarter of the
population of the city.
They had differing views and systems on politics and culture and so frequently there was conflict.
The themes within Old Comedy were local
in colour and theme which helped the
audience relate to the subject matter
The Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC) was an ancient Greek
war fought by Athens and its empire against the
Peloponnesian League led by Sparta
413 BC: The Athenians and their allies suffered a catastrophic defeat in the Sicilian Expedition, a
turning-point in the long-running Peloponnesian War.
In 411 BC, the Athenian democracy was overthrown in favour of an oligarchy
Oligarchy: a small group of people having control of a country or organization.
In 404 BC Athens was defeated and occupied by Sparta.