Level 3. Airbnb video. Your route. Твой маршрут


This is the main steps of watching videos.
Janna Petrosian
Mapa Mental por Janna Petrosian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Janna Petrosian
Criado por Janna Petrosian mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Level 3. Airbnb video. Your route. Твой маршрут
  1. Warm-up: Vocabaggage + Forum
    1. First watching for the gist or the main idea
      1. Second watching for details
        1. Watch the same chunk with questions
          1. Assignments
            1. Discussion
            2. Anticipation questions - предвосхищающие вопросы
              1. Discussion or forums
                1. Watching
                2. Vocabag Flashcards
                  1. VocaTests or assignments
                    1. Discussion board forums or Facebook group discussion
                    2. The video is devided into little chunks (3-4 min.). You will not be drawned in new vocab.


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