Product Design Revision


Mapa Mental sobre Product Design Revision, criado por 10getleys em 03-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por 10getleys, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por 10getleys mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Product Design Revision
  1. Sustainability
    1. Sustainability refers to how biological systems endure and remain diverse and productive.
    2. Enviromental issues
      1. Environmental issues are harmful aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment.
      2. Renewable and non-renewable
        1. Renewable
          1. A source of energy that is not depleted by use, such as water, wind, or solar power.
          2. Non-renewable
            1. A non-renewable resource is a resource that does not renew itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human timeframes.
          3. 6rs
            1. Reduce
              1. Is it possible to reduce the amount of materials used?
              2. Rethink
                1. Is there a better way to solve this problem that is less damaging to the environment?
                2. Refuse
                  1. Is the packaging really needed?
                  2. Recycle
                    1. Is the product made from materials that are easy to recycle?
                      1. Could recycled materials be used?
                      2. Reuse
                        1. Repair


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