Why, despite the disasters of 1941, was the USSR able to defeat Germany by 1945?


History - Russia Mapa Mental sobre Why, despite the disasters of 1941, was the USSR able to defeat Germany by 1945?, criado por ZakSmart em 28-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por ZakSmart, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ZakSmart quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Why, despite the disasters of 1941, was the USSR able to defeat Germany by 1945?
  1. The USSR's forces outnumbered Axis forces
    1. Russian winter repeatedly upset Nazi plans
      1. e.g Tanks took sometimes hours to start due to the freezing cold
      2. Resilience and determination of the Russian people
        1. Propaganda campaigns helped to ensure this
          1. Kept the people on side by not persecuting the church
          2. Strong Leadership
            1. Stalin gave Zhukov a free hand in conducting the war
              1. Unlike Hitler - who constantly meddled with plans
                1. Red Army reorganised into modern fighting force
                  1. Tank Armies
                    1. T34 Tank mass produced - Best tank of the war
                    2. Shock Armies
                      1. Partisans behind enemy lines
                        1. Massed artilery formations
                    3. Continued terror enforced by NKVD
                      1. The people had to fight
                      2. Hatred of Nazis
                        1. Breaking the pact
                          1. Sworn enemies of Communism
                            1. Atrocities committed against Russian cilvilians
                            2. Industrial Production continued in the east
                              1. Over 1300 factories moved to new industrial area beyond the urals
                                1. e.g Magnitogorsk
                              2. Aid from Western Allies
                                1. Intel reports from UK
                                  1. Industrial products from USA (Lend Lease Programme)
                                    1. $11.3 of supplies sent to UUSR


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