Satire: Indian (human) society


Cambridge IGCSE Hullabaloo Mapa Mental sobre Satire: Indian (human) society, criado por xanthecobb em 04-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por xanthecobb, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por xanthecobb aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Satire: Indian (human) society
  1. Monkeys
    1. Who is the real monkey? Monkeys=humans?
      1. Cinema Monkey
        1. like a teenage boy, living in Shahkot
        2. divide the Shahkot community bc of tehir antics
          1. arguing with each other, humans aciting like monkeys
          2. fear of rabies
            1. Pinky actually does the only biting in the novel
              1. Result of a bite: he falls in love with her
                1. Pinky as a monkey
            2. density of population/the public eye
              1. no privacy
                1. need to escape
                  1. lady on the bus
                    1. can't sleep at night
                      1. CMO - wanting to escape where it is more peaceful and calm


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