Th1L07 Clinical use of enzyme measurements


Medicine Y1 (Theme 1 | Cells and organelles) Mapa Mental sobre Th1L07 Clinical use of enzyme measurements, criado por Emma Allde em 17-08-2016.
Emma Allde
Mapa Mental por Emma Allde, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emma Allde
Criado por Emma Allde mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Th1L07 Clinical use of enzyme measurements
  1. Appearance of creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in plasma after myocardial infarction
    1. Increase in CK2 activity 24 hours after
      1. Increase in LDH activity 48 hours after
        1. Isozymes of lactate dehydrogenase can be separated by chromatography
          1. five different isozymes of lactate hydrogenase exist
            1. H4, H3M, H2M2, HM3 and M4
            2. During a myocardial infarction
              1. Endothelial cells rupture, releasing their contents into the blood stream
                1. This increases the serum levels for lactate hydrogenase isozyme 1 and 2 and cane be used as a diagnostic tool
            3. composed of four monomers
              1. heart or muscle type
          2. Clinical uses of enzyme inhibitors
            1. Control of angiotensin production
              1. cleavage of Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II results in peripheral vasoconstriction and aldosterone secretion
                1. Treatment of heart failure with ACE inhibitors prevents sodium/water retention > oedema
            2. Enzyme inhibitors as toxins
              1. Mustard gas, sarin (nerve gases)
                1. Organophosphorus
                  1. Inhibits cholinesterase irreversibly; poisons the enzyme


              Plano de Estudo - Semana 1
              Alessandra S.
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