CAFS Core 1: Research Methodology


Mapa Mental sobre CAFS Core 1: Research Methodology, criado por becwinder em 06-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por becwinder, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por becwinder quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

CAFS Core 1: Research Methodology
  1. Conducting Research
    1. Formulating a research proposal
      1. Research methodologies
        1. Planning
          1. Collecting and recording data
            1. Analysing and interpreting data
            2. Sources of data
              1. People
                1. Print
                  1. Electronic
                    1. Organisations
                      1. Libraries
                      2. Ethics in research
                        1. Privacy
                          1. Respect for subjects of research
                            1. Integrity of researcher
                              1. Integrity of data
                                1. HSC regulations
                                2. Methodologies
                                  1. Qualitative
                                    1. Quantitative
                                    2. Presenting data
                                      1. Graphs, tables, diagrams
                                        1. Report writing and presentation
                                          1. Bibliography
                                            1. Appendix
                                            2. Research terminology
                                              1. Bias
                                                1. Hypothesis
                                                  1. Reliability
                                                    1. Sampling
                                                      1. Validity


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