Character Map- Wei-Chen


A mind map that analyzes a charater, Wei-Chen.
Chelsea Kim
Mapa Mental por Chelsea Kim, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chelsea Kim
Criado por Chelsea Kim mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Character Map- Wei-Chen
  1. Friends
    1. Relationship with Jin
      1. Jin's very best friend
        1. Jin seemed he didn't have a best friend until Chen came
          1. Guess Jin would be somewhat thankful to Chen
            1. Chen is also thankful because Jin helped alot to adjust to America
              1. Language
                1. Cultures
                  1. School
                    1. Lifestyle
              2. Care each other
                1. Seems they rely on each other quite much
                  1. Empathy as same race
                2. Give feedbacks each other
                  1. about girls
                    1. Jin once had concerns about his crush, Amelia
                      1. Chen says it's stupid to get a girlfriend at his age
                        1. Funny
                          1. Chen has a girlfriend, Susie
                            1. Susie=Japanse & Chen=Taiwanes
                              1. Asian couple
                                1. Classmates often make fun of them
                                  1. One of the book's topic 'Racism'
                      2. Bad first impression > Becomes best friends
                    2. Personality
                      1. Somewhat a bit of nerdy
                        1. Glasses
                          1. Typical Chinese look
                            1. Big nose
                              1. Black eye
                                1. Yellow skin
                                  1. Black hair
                                    1. Asian's main characteristics
                                      1. Stereotypes
                                        1. Appearance
                                          1. Skin color
                                            1. Small eyes
                                              1. Short/Tiny
                                              2. Only-good-at-math brain
                                                1. 'Everyone good at math'
                                                  1. Cannot speak English
                                                    1. Bad English pronounciation
                                              3. Weird hairstyle
                                                1. Looks like a bookworm
                                              4. Personal opinions on him
                                                1. He would get along with Jin quite well
                                                  1. Because they both know how it feels like to get stereotyped
                                                  2. Quite surprised at how he could improve his English so fast
                                                    1. Think Jin helped him a lot
                                                    2. Funny when seeing him dating out with Susie
                                                      1. Because he told Jin dating a girl is stupid
                                                      2. Wish him to be a real-sincere friend with Jin
                                                        1. I kind of worry about if they would have conflicts which would damage thier friendship


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