Possibly challenge Robert McKee's theory. Follow the same concept with having negative events
happen to a key character, becoming progressively worse throughout the plot. However, instead of
having these issues resolved at the end of the film I could leave them unresolved. Have a pessimistic
Maybe a cliff hanger ending. Leave the film unresolved.
The film could revolve around mental health. Maybe a character suffers from a mental disorder, the
symptoms for which could increase throughout the narrative leading to the decline of the
character/their status.
Maybe hallucinates an imaginary friend or enemy.
Imaginary characters could be animated through
If imagining enemy could link to Levi-Strauss and his
theory of binary opposites. Good vs evil idea or even
mentally stable vs mentally unstable
Maybe done as a monologue or autobiography style.
Handheld cameras as opposed to using
Maybe challenge Todorov's theory as well. He believed that narratives began with a point of stable
equilibrium which became disrupted but then when solved a new equilibrium was established. What if
the disruption to the equilibrium was never solved and no new equilibrium was established?
Not many films do this - sets itself apart.
Singular narrative - Allows
the audience to become
emotionally attached to the
key character.
Closed narrative - Definitive ending but problems are not necessarily
Another possible film idea could be set in
an alternative world where our idea of
unattractive is their idea of beautiful.
Follow a single character who is viewed
as attractive in our society struggling to
fit in and deal with the peer pressure to
conform to society's standards.
More graphical alternative - following the life of a cannibalist.
Allows the audience to sympathise for a type of character (the
antagonist) that is not usually shown in films. Gets to audience
to see from an alternative point of view. Would have to be
careful with how graphic the short would be.
Male child visits a friend's house who's own son died in a
car crash recently to keep them company. Mum takes
them hostage as a replacement for their own lost child.
Puts the audience in a difficult position. Want to sympathise
with the mother who lost her child but she acts as the
antagonist in this scenario.
This colour node symbolises narrative styles
This colour node symbolises film ideas
This colour node symbolises link to narrative theorists