How much in gas does it cost you?


Mapa Mental sobre How much in gas does it cost you?, criado por Filipe Pompeu em 14-10-2016.
Filipe Pompeu
Mapa Mental por Filipe Pompeu, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Filipe Pompeu
Criado por Filipe Pompeu mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

How much in gas does it cost you?
  1. How many Km is it to Montreal?
    1. Google how far is from Toronto to Montreal
      1. The distance is 541km
    2. How much is the gas?
      1. The cost is $1.006 per liter
        1. It depends where you get gas and the type of it
        2. How much gas the tank hold?
          1. The tank hold 50 litres
          2. How much gas do you start off with?
            1. What is the car fuel efficiency?
              1. Fuel efficiency is 8 litres per 100km


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