Dorian people arrived (may have been responsible for the fire).
They claimed to be descendants of Hercules.
Four villages grew which joined together to form a polis.
Land is surrounded by mountains.
Well defended
It is not close to the sea but has a river
The city is quite bare - not elaborate.
Communities living close by were called 'perioikoi'.
They had internal control over their affairs but had to conform to Spartan policy and give them troups.
The region of Lakonia was conquered which led to the creation of the Helots.
What the Greeks though of Sparta
Without war they had nothing to do.
Women had large influence.
Southern Greece - Southeast Peloponnese
Banks of Evrotas River in Laconia
Bounded by Mt. Taygetus and Mt. Parnon.
Background basically
Social Structure
Spartan Men and Women were at the top.
Lived in Sparta but had fewer rights.
Had to give seat up for a Spartan.
Not slaves, not citizens.
Partheniai - Illegitimate children of Spartan fathers and helot mothers.
Mothaces - Sons of helots, adopted for playmates of Spartan boys.
Neodamodeis - Helots who had won freedom from their courage in battle.
Some of these were killed though.
Tresantes - Spartans deprived of citizenship for acts of cowardice.
Dorian origin
Settlements lived around Sparta.
Called upon to give men for war.
Made everyday items for Spartans.
Good quality of life so did not rebel.
There were loads of them; 10-20:1
Conquered Messenians & Original Achaean inhabitants of Laconia.
Farmers on Spartan estates.
Kept surplus profits.
Household slaves.
Women were nurses.
Baggage-handlers and skirmishers at war.
Kept in line brutally however there were some minor revolts.
Forbidden to leave certain area
Routinely humiliated.
Spartans spread terror to stop revolts.
At the start of each year, Heltos would get rounded up and killed.
2 Kings
Equal Power
One would go to war whilst the other would stay behind
Religious leaders
Prevents 1 from getting too much power
Political and social influence
Huge funerals
Command army
Sons did not go to agoge
Every 9 years they are confirmed as kings, by the Ephors looking at the stars
2 Ephors went with them on military campaigns
Can be removed if war goes badly
Descended from Hercules
28 elders and 2 kings
Over the age of 60
= Senile
Appointed by acclamation
Listener may get it wrong
Prepare debate bills for the assembly to vote on
Judges in criminal cases
Small selection pool as most men died in war
5 of them
Only last 1 year
Weeds out coruption
But they don't get very good
Check on stars every 9 years about kings
Go with kings to war
Young - more people to pick from than Gorousia
Chosen by acclamation
Decide number of troups to go on wars
Dealed in foreign affairs, education, goverment, security
Shared powers between 5 of them
All men over 30
Met once a month to vote
Ephors could stop vote, Gerousia could change vote
Just a vote, no discussion
Important part of Spartan society.
Brought up equally with boys
Fed equally
Cared for equally
Intense physical training
No weaving or spinning
Danced and sang naked at processions
Married at 18
Learnt how to manage estates
They were brought up to be strong and healthy
To bear strong children
Believe in Spartan ideals
Mingled with men and took part in sports
Kings looked to their wives for advice
Didn't vote
What would Greeks have thought?
Shocked at freedom and education
Shocked at power
Surprised at equality
Could'nt wear jewllery or make-up
Disgusted at sexual behaviour (children with other men)
Admirred fitness and beuty
Name on gravestone IF they died in childbirth
Taught how to manage estates
How to hunt
Married at 18 (not rushed)
Cut hair short and dressed like men as people
are used to having sex with other men
Seperated after marriage for a couple of days
In the home
Ran household
No housework (helots did it)
Excersized a lot
When a baby is born, its father will take it to
the council of elders for inspection.
If it was weak it would be taken to the 'place of
rejection' near the slope of Mt. Taygetus.
It was common to abandon children in Ancient Greece
but only the Spartans had a specific place.
Early Years (Nursery)
The Spartans would bathe their children in
wine. This would strengthen healthy babies
but kill weak ones.
Babies were not given arm clothes and were left
alone at night.
As they grew they were taught to not be fussy about their food and not to cry.
Primary School (7-14)
Boys left home at 7.
They lived together at the agoge (barracks).
The agoge was run by the paidonomos (headmaster) who would be a fearsome warrior.
Many of the staff were 20yr old eirens, who had been outstanding students themselves.
Taught how to fight.
Singing/fighting/sporting contests.
Basic reading and writing.
Secondary School (14-18)
Barefoot at all times.
Were given one cloak to last the entire year.
Cut hair short and played naked to strengthen bodies.
Only allowed to bath a few times a year.
Broke reeds for the River Evrotas to make their beds.
Given little food.
This meant a lot of stealing. If they got caught then they would be whipped.
At this age they took a male lover.
Older man was a mentor and educator.
If the child cried out during a fight, the older
man was punished.
University (18-19)
Lycurgus was worried about boys of this age as
they were the most likley to rebel.
Were worked hard and watched carefully.
Respect for elders was emphasised when walking
youths were expected to stay silent and keep their
eyes fixed on the ground.
Intense physical training
No weaving or spinning
Learned basic literacy (to help with running the household)
Can cope when men are at war
Famous king of Sparta.
May be fictional.
Ruled Sparta for 8 months and left to allow his nephew to become king.
Later returned to Sparta bringing new laws.
His biography was written by Plutarch.
Lycurgus traveled to the oracle at Delphi who gave him instructions on decrees he should make.
He established the Gerousia to stabilise Sparta.
Land was redistributed so each Spartan got a farm; worked by Helots.
Gold and silver were banned.
Legal currency was low valued brittle iron dipped in vinegar.
So Spartans could not buy expensive things.
All citizens ate the same in mess halls.
The rich dined with the poor.
Ceilings were made with axes, doors were made with saws.
All houses looked the same (rough)
People are equal and don't get jelous
He did these things so that Spartans would not love pretty
things but focus on keeping the Helots at bay.
When Lycurgus was happy he made his friends take an oath
that they would keep up his laws until he returned.
The Orcale of Delphi said he had acted well.
Commited suicide and his laws were upheld for 500 years.
A man called Alcander put out his eye.
Lycurgus forgave him and Alcander became his
greatest follower. Lycurgus used to throw his
eye at people during debates.
Mocked bachelors.
Battle of the 300
100000-250000 Persian soldiers led by Xerxes.
The Spartans and some Greek allies met the Persians at
the hot gates where they had rebuilt a wall.
(300 Spartans, 6700 Allies)
Using the phalanx, they held the Persians off for two days.
Ephilites told the Persians about a mountain
goat pass which led them past the Spartans.
1500 including 300 Spartans stayed to
face the Persians.
Half-blind man returned to fight.
They all died.
Fought over Leonidas' body.
Later Persia was defeated by Greece.
Persian Wars
Battle of Marathon (490BC)
Fought against Athens and lost (even though it was 5:1).
Battle of Salams (480BC)
Greek ships conquered Persian ships.
Battle of Plataea (479BC)
Athens and Sparta fought side-by-side and won.
Other Stuff
Group of 15 men who ate and fought together.
Age 20 to join.
Voted by putting bits of bread in a jar.
Failure to secure a membership meant social rejection.
Paid monthly ration of goods to feed your syssitia.
What they ate
Black Soup (famous for bad taste)
Cheese, figs, fish
Everything said here was confidential
Had to dine there every night.
Secret Police
Like the SS
Children of 18-19. Strongest.
Murdered Helots.
Every year the Ephors declared war on
the Helots. The Krypteia did the killing.
Made bots acustomed to killing.
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