Revolutionary Russia 1917 - 1924


AS Level History (Revolutionary Russia (Lenin's Russia) 1917 - 1924) Mapa Mental sobre Revolutionary Russia 1917 - 1924, criado por emilyyoung212 em 25-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por emilyyoung212, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por emilyyoung212 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Revolutionary Russia 1917 - 1924
  1. 1917 REVOLUTION
    1. Provisional Government
      1. Petrograd Soviet
        1. July Days
          1. Alexander Kerensky
            1. Became PM after July Days
            2. Bolsheviks win in October
            3. LENIN AND TROTSKY
              1. Trotsky and the Red Army
                1. Assassination attempts on Lenin in 1918 led to the Red Terror
                  1. Lenin signed Treaty of Brest-Litvosk in 1918
                    1. Lenin's Testament 1923
                      1. Trotsky opposed NEP
                        1. Lenin dies January 1924
                        2. CIVIL WAR
                          1. 1918 - 1920/1
                            1. Reds
                              1. Bolsheviks
                              2. Whites
                                1. Anti-Bolsheviks
                                2. Greens
                                  1. Ukrainians
                                3. ECONOMY
                                  1. New Economic Policy
                                    1. More capitalist
                                      1. 1921 - 1929
                                      2. War Communism
                                        1. 1918 - 1921
                                          1. Private enterprises became illegal
                                            1. Industry under government control
                                              1. Inflation occurred in 1920
                                              2. State Capitalism
                                                1. 1917 - 1918


                                              2. The February Revolution
                                              3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
                                              5. War Communism
                                              The Great Rebellion 1173-74 - Overview
                                              Charlotte Peacock
                                              Russian Revolution
                                              Lydia Klein
                                              Henry II and Thomas Becket
                                              Charlotte Peacock
                                              1928-1942 Industrialisation and the 5 year plans
                                              Joanna van Dyk
                                              Russia Pre-1914
                                              Kelsie Drown
                                              Alexander III Reform and Consequences
                                              Kelsie Drown
                                              John and Magna Carta
                                              Charlotte Peacock
                                              1. Notes on the dispute between Henry and Becket
                                              Charlotte Peacock