The Trojan war


Classics Mapa Mental sobre The Trojan war, criado por georgiej em 02-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por georgiej, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por georgiej quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Trojan war
  1. start
    1. Gods fight over apple, paris had to judge contest
      1. Hera, Aphrodite and Athene all bribed paris Athene:wisdom Aphrodite: the most beautiful girl in the world and Hera: king of the most powerful country
        1. Paris choses Aphrodite
          1. A few years pass helen married to menalaus but paris wants his end of deal he sails totroy and kidnaps helen
    2. going to war
      1. manelaus asked his brother Agamemnon to lead them to battle for Agamemnon was the leader of greece
        1. Odysseus didn't want to go to war so he pretended to be mad and plough sand and sow it with salt telemachus was put in front of plough if he was mad he would plough the baby
          1. when they were leaving for troy they couldn't because there was no wind. Agamemnon consulted a prophet abut it. prophet said needed to give sacrifice to Artemis. A* gave his daughter Iphi but at the last second was replaced by a goat


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