The present tense


mapa conceptual
alcibiades jimenez
Mapa Mental por alcibiades jimenez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
alcibiades jimenez
Criado por alcibiades jimenez aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The present tense


  1. the present continuous
    1. example
      1. i am working
      2. form
        1. present tense
          1. interrogative:am i working?
          2. auxiliary verb be
            1. affirmative: i am workig
              1. negative:i am not working
            2. present participle
            3. the spelling of the present participle
              1. when
                1. a verb ends in a single
                    1. ends in a single consonant
                      1. is doubled before ing
                2. use
                  1. for an action happening now
                    1. this time but not necesary at the moment of speaking
                      1. example it is raining
                      2. other possible
                        1. this point and probably continues after
                          1. with always
                      3. verbs not normally used
                        1. verbs of the senses
                          1. expressing feelings and emotions
                            1. verbs of mental activity
                              1. verbs of possesion
                                1. the auxiliares except be
                                  1. and
                                    1. have in certain uses
                                2. feel,look,smell
                                  1. and
                                    1. taste, see,hear
                                      1. use in the continuous forms
                                        1. see
                                          1. when
                                            1. it means meet by appointment
                                              1. in interview
                                          2. hear
                                            1. when
                                              1. it means listen formally to
                                  2. the simple present
                                    1. example
                                      1. i work


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