
Mapa Mental sobre CROP FARMING´S FACTORS, criado por Marina Sanz Merino em 30-10-2016.
Marina Sanz Merino
Mapa Mental por Marina Sanz Merino, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Marina Sanz Merino
Criado por Marina Sanz Merino quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

    1. CLIMATE
      1. Certain Amounts of:
        1. Humidity
          1. Rainfall
            1. Sunshine
          2. SOIL
            1. Density
              1. Fertility
                1. Ex: Rocky soil - Sedimentary soil (For farming)
                2. RELIEF
                  1. High areas and steep slopes
                    1. Plains and lowland areas
                  2. HUMAN FACTORS
                    1. MECHANISATION of farm work
                      1. 1 Person
                        1. Combine Harvester
                          1. 1 day
                          2. Gruop of people
                            1. Several days
                              1. Non-Mechanised farm
                            2. Modern SPRINKLER and DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEMS
                              1. Reduce Water Consumption
                                1. Tradicional Irrigation
                                  1. Flooding the farmland
                                2. GREENHOUSES
                                  1. Use Water + efficiently (Dry Areas)
                                    1. Create Warm Environments (Cold Areas)
                                    2. CHEMICALS
                                      1. Soil + fertile
                                        1. Livestock Excrement // Manure
                                      2. BIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES
                                        1. Parasites
                                          1. Genetic improvements to species
                                            1. Ex: In cereals (+ grain/- chaff)
                                        2. TYPES OF AGRICULTURE
                                          1. TRADITIONAL
                                            1. Developing Economies
                                              1. Limited Mechanisation
                                                1. Low Productivity
                                                  1. Very Little Commercial Agriculture
                                                    1. Limited to Subsistence Farming and selfconsumption by the farmer and their families
                                                  2. MECHANISED
                                                    1. Developed Economies
                                                      1. High Mechanised
                                                        1. High Productivity
                                                          1. Green Revolution (20th Century)
                                                            1. The objective is large-scale commercial production


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