Met-Sensitivity application - V0


original structure of the Met-Sensit application. USER decision is marked with square box INTERNAL algorithme decision in circle contour DATA BASE (DB) connections in gray collor
Elena Maksimovich
Mapa Mental por Elena Maksimovich, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elena Maksimovich
Criado por Elena Maksimovich mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Met-Sensitivity application - V0
  1. 1. Upload user economic data
    1. 2. Select Weather Data set from the list
      1. GHCN
        1. select "Weather Station"
          1. select out of list eigther by station NAME eigther by USAF
          2. National Index
          3. Reanalysis
            1. GSOD
              1. select weather station
                1. select out of list eigther by station NAME either by srtation USAF either WBAN
                2. National Index
                3. SYNOP_MF
                  1. National Index
                    1. select "Weather Station"
                      1. select out of list eigther by station NAME, eigther by USAF
                    2. DWD
                      1. 4. Select the columns within your data set
                        1. plot: time evolution of the user parameter
                          1. 5. BUTTON: Data Recording
                            1. 8. Select your time resolution
                              1. monthly
                                1. From month :
                                  1. to month
                                  2. daily
                                    1. 7. BUTTON: Temporal Aggregation
                                      1. 8. BUTTON : Period validation ???
                                        1. 9. Select: Regression Degree : 1 by default
                                          1. If KNMI weather data at ORLY: ERROR message: NO data
                                            1. GSOD ...
                                              1. 10. Select one or several Explanatory Variable : Promotions, Public holidays, Day of week, Day of month: for VISUALISATION highlighting not for data removal
                                                1. 11. BUTTON: Start Regressions: USER data vs METEO data
                                                  1. user DATA summary TABLE: number of values, missing values, MIN, MAX, MEAN, Volatility ???
                                                    1. RESULTS
                                                      1. Summary
                                                        1. 16. Select user data column
                                                          1. Histogram-type plot of the MAE : comparison between 30 meteio parameters:: GREEN is ??? Yellow columns ???
                                                            1. Histogram-type plot of R2 :comparison between client data and 30 weather paramenets. GREEN ??? Yellow ???
                                                              1. 17. Download Results
                                                            2. Details
                                                              1. 12. Select variable: by default it is the one with the best MAE
                                                                1. 13. OPTIONAL : Highlight calendar explanatory varuables
                                                                  1. YES
                                                                    1. 14 SELECT: Public Holidays, Promotions Day of year, Day of week, Day of month, Week of year, Quarter of yera, Month of year, years
                                                                    2. NO
                                                                    3. Scatter - PLOT & TABLE : best meteo variable vs user data
                                                                      1. 15 Download results
                                                                  2. Custom Regression
                                                                    1. Selected variable : out of a long meteo-variable list. Nothing changes when chosing variables ??
                                                                      1. wished regression ??
                                                                        1. ??
                                                                          1. Launch custom regression
                                                                            1. Download results
                                                        2. Risk period beginning
                                                          1. ??
                                                      2. quaterly
                                                        1. ??
                                                        2. weekly
                                                          1. ??
                                                    2. 3. Select the UNITS representative for your data
                                                      1. KNMI


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